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Louis H. Kauffman
EVL Affiliated Faculty (retired)
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science
Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science
Sandin, D., Kauffman, L., A Ray Tracer to Visualize Higher Dimensional Julia Sets,
Proc. of the Fifth Interdisciplinary Conference of The International Society of The Arts, Mathematics, and Architecture (ISAMA / CTI 2004)
, Chicago, IL, June 15, 2004
Davidson, D., Kauffman, L., Seeing is Believing: Visual Proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem,
, vol 7, no 6, pp. 24-27, July 1, 1997
Hart, J.C., Lescinsky, G.W, Sandin, D.J., DeFanti, T.A., Kauffman, L.H., Scientific and Artistic Investigation of Multidimensional Fractals on the AT&T Pixel Machine,
Visual Computer
, vol 7, no 9, pp. 346-355, July 1, 1993
DeFanti, T.A., Hart, J.C., Sandin, D.J., Kauffman, L.H., Visualization of multidimensional fractals,
Proceedings of the Argonne National Laboratory 7th International Conference on Advanced Science and Technology
, pp. 289-298, March 1, 1991
DeFanti, T.A., Sandin, D.J., Lescinsky, G.W., Hart, J.C., Brown, M.D., Kauffman, L.H., Simulacra / Stimulacra::Fractal,
Art Futura
, January 1, 1991
Hart, J.C., Kauffman, L.H., Sandin, D.J., Interactive Visualization of Quaternion Julia Sets,
Proc. of Visualization ’90. IEEE Computer Society Press
, pp. 209-218, October 1, 1990
Sandin, D.J., Hart, J.C., Kauffman, L.H., Interactive Visualization of Complex, Stacked and Quaternion Julia Sets,
Proceedings of Ausgraph ’90 (Invited paper)
, September 1, 1990
Hart, J., Sandin, D., Kauffman L., Ray Tracing Deterministic 3-D Fractals 2,
Computer Graphics, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH ’89
, vol 23, no 3, pp. 289-296, July 1, 1989