Jinghua Ge

PhD Graduate, 2007
EVL, Computer Science Department


Sun, Y., Leigh, J., Johnson, A., Di Eugenio, B., Articulate: Creating Meaningful Visualizations from Natural Language (chapter), Innovative Approaches of Data Visualization and Visual Analytics, IGI Global, pp 218-235, August 29, 2013

Reda, K., Tantipathananandh, C., Johnson, A., Leigh, J., Berger-Wolf, T., Visualizing the Evolution of Community Structures in Dynamic Social Networks, Eurographics / IEEE Symposium on Visualization 2011 (EuroVis 2011), vol 30, no 3, Bergen, Norway, Hauser, Pfister, van Wijk, May 31, 2011

Reda, K., Tantipathananandh, C., Berger-Wolf, T., Leigh, J., Johnson, A. E., SocioScape - a Tool for Interactive Exploration of Spatio-Temporal Group Dynamics in Social Networks, Proceedings of the IEEE Information Visualization Conference (INFOVIS ’09), Atlantic City, New Jersey, October 11, 2009

School of Art & Design, Graduate College, EV MFA Thesis Documentation Requirements, Electronic Visualization Program, University of Illinois at Chicago, May 15, 2008

Leigh, J., Johnson, A., Renambot, L., DeFanti, T., Brown, M., Jeong, B., Jagodic, R., Krumbholz, C., Svistula, D., Hur, H., Kooima, R., Peterka, T., Ge, J., Falk, C., Emerging from the CAVE: Collaboration in Ultra High Resolution Environments, Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Universal Communication, Kyoto, Japan, June 14, 2007

Ge, J., A Point-Based Remote Visualization Pipeline For Large-Scale Virtual Reality, EVL, PhD Dissertation, May 1, 2007

Girado, J. I., Peterka, T., Kooima, R. L., Ge, J., Sandin, D. J., Johnson, A. E., Leigh, J., DeFanti, T. A., Real-Time Neural Network-based Face Tracker for VR Displays, Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2007(VR ’07), Charlotte, NC, March 10, 2007

Peterka, T., Kooima, R.L., Girado, J. I., Ge, J., Sandin, D.J., Johnson, A., Leigh, J., Schulze, J., DeFanti, T. A., Dynallax: Solid State Dynamic Parallax Barrier Autostereoscopic VR Display, Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2007(VR ’07), Charlotte, NC, March 10, 2007

Kooima, R.L., Peterka, T., Girado, J.I., Ge, J., Sandin, D. J., DeFanti, T. A., A GPU Sub-pixel Algorithm for Autostereoscopic Virtual Reality, Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2007(VR ’07), March 10, 2007

Peterka, T., Kooima, R., Girado, J., Ge, J., Sandin, D., DeFanti, T., Evolution of the Varrier™ Autostereoscopic VR Display: 2001-2007, IS&T / SPIE Electronic Imaging 2007 Conference Proceedings, January 28, 2007

Leigh, J., Renambot, L., Johnson, A., Jeong, B., Jagodic, R., Schwarz, N., Svistula, D., Singh, R., Aguilera, J., Wang, X., Vishwanatha, V., Lopez Silva, B.A., Sandin, D., Peterka, T., Girado, J., Kooima, R., Gea, J., Long, L., Verlo, A., DeFanti, T., Brown, M., Cox, D., The Global Lambda Visualization Facility: An International Ultra-High-Definition Wide-Area Visualization Collaboratory, Future Generation Computer Systems, vol 22, no 8, Elsevier, pp. 964-971, October 1, 2006

Peterka, T., D. Sandin, D., Ge, J., Girado, J., Kooima, R., Leigh, J., Johnson, A., Thiebaux, M., DeFanti, T., Personal Varrier: Autostereoscopic Virtual Reality for Distributed Scientific Visualization, Future Generation Computing Systems, vol 22, no 8, pp. 976-983, October 1, 2006

Moher, T., Rogers, Y., Quintana, C., Joiner, R., Co-Present Distributed Simulations of Science Phenomena for K-8 Learners: A Technology Designers’ Round-Robin Symposium, Annual Conference of the American Education Research Association, San Francisco, CA, April 7, 2006

Sandin, D., Margolis, T., Ge, J., Girado, J., Peterka, T., DeFanti, T., The Varrier Autostereoscopic Virtual Reality Display, ACM Transactions on Graphics, Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2005, vol 24, no 3, pp. 894-903, July 30, 2005

Rao, A., Kamp, B., Noren, A., Ito, E., Schnurrenberger, D., Morin, P., Leigh, J., Rack, F., Johnson, A., Renambot, L., CoreWall: A Visualization Environment for the Analysis of Lake and Ocean Cores, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Program, vol 36, no 5, Denver, Colorado, pp. 273, December 12, 2004

Renambot, L., van der Schaaf, T., Bal, H., Germans, D., Spoelder, H.J.W., Griz: Experience with Remote Visualization over an Optical Grid, Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), Elsevier Science Press, Volume 19, Issue 6, August 2003, pp. 871-882, September 23, 2002

Leigh, J., Dawe, G., Talandis, J., He, E., Venkataraman, S, Ge, J., Sandin, D., DeFanti, T.A., , AGAVE : Access Grid Augmented Virtual Environment, Proceedings of the AccessGrid Retreat, Argonne, IL, January 16, 2001

Cruz-Neira, C., Leigh, J., Barnes, C., Cohen, S., Das, S., Engelmann, R., Hudson, R., Papka, M., Siegel, L., Vasilakis, C., DeFanti, T., Sandin, D., Scientists in Wonderland: A Report on Visualization Applications in the CAVE™ Virtual Reality Environment, Proceedings of IEEE 1993 Symposium on Research Frontiers in Virtual Reality, pp. 59-66, October 1, 1993