Charles Zhang

PhD Graduate, 2008
Electronic Visualization Laboratory, Computer Science Department


Zhang, C., OptiStore: An On-Demand Data Processing Middleware for Very Large Scale Interactive Visualization, Submitted as partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science, Graduate College, University of Illinois, Chicago, IL, May 1, 2008

Renambot, L., Rao, A., Singh, R., Jeong, B., Krishnaprasad, N., Vishwanath, V., Chandrasekhar, V., Schwarz, N., Spale, A., Zhang, C., Goldman, G., Leigh, J., Johnson, A., SAGE: the Scalable Adaptive Graphics Environment, Proceedings of WACE 2004, September 23, 2004

Zhang, C., Leigh, J., DeFanti, T.A., Mazzucco, M., Grossman, R., TeraScope: Distributed Visual Data Mining of Terascale Data Sets over Photonic Networks, Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), vol 19, no 6, Elsevier Science Press, pp. 935-944, August 1, 2003

Leigh, J., Renambot, L., DeFanti, T., Brown, M., He, E, Krishnaprasad, N., Meerasa, J., Nayak, A., Park, K., Singh, R., Venkataraman, S., Zhang, C., Livingston, D., McLaughlin, M., An Experimental OptIPuter Architecture for Data-Intensive Collaborative Visualization, 3rd Workshop on Advanced Collaborative Environments (in conjunction with the High Performance Distributed Computing Conference), Seattle, WA, June 22, 2003

DeFanti, T., Leigh, J., Brown, M., Sandin, D., Yu, O., Zhang, C., Singh, R., He, E., Alimohideen, J., Krishnaprasad, N., Grossman, R., Mazzucco, M., Smarr, L., Ellisman, M., Papadopoulos, A., Chien, A., Orcutt, J., Teleimmersion and Visualization with the OptIPuter, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT 2002), The University of Tokyo, Japan, December 3, 2002

Zhou, Y., Murata, T., DeFanti, T., Zhang, H., Fuzzy-Timing Petri Net Modeling and Simulation of a Networked Virtual Environment - NICE, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) Transactions, Fundmentals Special Section on Concurrent Systems Technology, vol 83, no 11, November 1, 2000

Browning, D., Trimble, J., Song, S., Priemer, R., Zhang, C., Legged Mobility: A Wheelchair Alternative, RESNA ’87, (Rehabilitation Engineering Society of North America), San Jose, CA, June 19, 1987