Rajvikram Singh

MS Graduate, 2003
EVL, Computer Science Department


DeFanti, T., Leigh, J., Renambot, L., Jeong, B., Verlo,A., Long,L., Brown,M., Sandin, D., Vishwanath, V., Liu, Q., Katz, M., Papadopoulos, P., Keefe, J., Hidley, G., Dawe, G., Kaufman, I, Glogowski, B., Doerr, K, Singh, R., Girado, ,J., Schulze, J, Kuester, F., Smarr, L., The OptIPortal, a scalable visualization, storage, and computing interface device for the OptiPuter, Future Generation Computer Systems 25 (2009), DOI information: 10.1016/j.future.2008.06.016, pp. 114-123, September 26, 2008

Jeong, B., Renambot, L., Jagodic, R., Singh, R., Aguilera, J., Johnson, A., Leigh, J., High-Performance Dynamic Graphics Streaming for Scalable Adaptive Graphics Environment, Proceedings of SC06, Tampa, FL, November 11, 2006

Singh, R., Schwarz, N., Taesombut, N., Lee, D., Jeong, B., Renambot, L., Lin, A., West, R., Otsuka, H., Peltier, S., Martone, M., Nozaki, K., Leigh, J., Ellisman, M., Real-time Multi-scale Brain Data Acquisition, Assembly, and Analysis using an End to End OptIPuter, Future Generation Computer Systems, vol 22, no 8, Elsevier, pp. 1032-1039, October 1, 2006

Leigh, J., Renambot, L., Johnson, A., Jeong, B., Jagodic, R., Schwarz, N., Svistula, D., Singh, R., Aguilera, J., Wang, X., Vishwanatha, V., Lopez Silva, B.A., Sandin, D., Peterka, T., Girado, J., Kooima, R., Gea, J., Long, L., Verlo, A., DeFanti, T., Brown, M., Cox, D., The Global Lambda Visualization Facility: An International Ultra-High-Definition Wide-Area Visualization Collaboratory, Future Generation Computer Systems, vol 22, no 8, Elsevier, pp. 964-971, October 1, 2006

Hirano, A., Renambot, L., Jeong, B., Leigh, J., Verlo, A., Vishwanath, V., Singh, R., Aguilera, J., Johnson, A., DeFanti, T., Long, L., Schwarz, N., Brown, M., Nagatsu, N., Tsukishima, Y., Tomizawa, M., Miyamoto, Y., Jinno, M., Takigawa, Y., Ishida, O., The First Functional Demonstration of Optical Virtual Concatenation as a Technique for Achieving Terabit Networking, Future Generation Computer Systems, vol 22, no 8, Elsevier, pp. 964-971, October 1, 2006

Vishwanath, V., Renambot, L., Leigh, J., Lee, D., Nayak, A., Schwarz, N., Long, L., Verlo, A., Singh, R., Dijkstra, F., Interactive Remote Visualization of Large High-Resolution Time-Varying Geophysical and Biological Datasets, In Proceedings of the ACM / IEEE SC|05: The International Conference on High-Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis, Seattle, WA, November 16, 2005

Jeong, B., Jagodic, R., Renambot, L., Singh, R., Johnson, A., Leigh, J., Scalable Graphics Architecture for High-Resolution Displays, Proceedings of IEEE Information Visualization Workshop 2005, Minneapolis, MN, October 23, 2005

Jeong, B., Renambot, L., Singh, R., Johnson, A., Leigh, J., High-Performance Scalable Graphics Architecture for High-Resolution Displays, Technical Paper, May 1, 2005

Renambot, L., Rao, A., Singh, R., Jeong, B., Krishnaprasad, N., Vishwanath, V., Chandrasekhar, V., Schwarz, N., Spale, A., Zhang, C., Goldman, G., Leigh, J., Johnson, A., SAGE: the Scalable Adaptive Graphics Environment, Proceedings of WACE 2004, September 23, 2004

Singh, R., Jeong, B., Renambot, L., Johnson, A., Leigh, J., TeraVision: a Distributed, Scalable, High Resolution Graphics Streaming System, Proceedings of Cluster 2004, San Diego, CA, September 20, 2004

Leigh, J., Renambot, L., DeFanti, T., Brown, M., He, E, Krishnaprasad, N., Meerasa, J., Nayak, A., Park, K., Singh, R., Venkataraman, S., Zhang, C., Livingston, D., McLaughlin, M., An Experimental OptIPuter Architecture for Data-Intensive Collaborative Visualization, 3rd Workshop on Advanced Collaborative Environments (in conjunction with the High Performance Distributed Computing Conference), Seattle, WA, June 22, 2003

DeFanti, T., Leigh, J., Brown, M., Sandin, D., Yu, O., Zhang, C., Singh, R., He, E., Alimohideen, J., Krishnaprasad, N., Grossman, R., Mazzucco, M., Smarr, L., Ellisman, M., Papadopoulos, A., Chien, A., Orcutt, J., Teleimmersion and Visualization with the OptIPuter, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT 2002), The University of Tokyo, Japan, December 3, 2002

Leigh, J., Johnson, A., Park, K., Nayak, A., Singh, R., Chowdhry, V., DeFanti, T., Amplified Collaboration Environments, VizGrid Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, November 1, 2002

Leigh, J., DeFanti, T., Singh, R., Karayannis, F., TeraVision: a High Resolution Graphics Streaming Device for Amplified Collaboration Environments, Future Generation Computer Systems 1008 (2003), November 1, 2002

Leigh, J., Girado, J., Singh, R., Johnson, A., Park, K., DeFanti, T. A., TeraVision: a Platform and Software Independent Solution for Real Time Display Distribution in Advanced Collaborative Environments, Access Grid Retreat 2002 Proceedings, La Jolla, CA, March 4, 2002