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Robert Kooima
PhD Graduate, 2008
Electronic Visualization Laboratory, Computer Science Department
Kooima, R., Prudhomme, A., Schulze, J., Sandin, D., DeFanti, T., A multi-viewer tiled autostereoscopic virtual reality display,
Proceedings of the 17th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST ’10)
, Hong Kong, pp. 171-174, November 22, 2010
Kahler, E., Hur, H., Reda, K., Kooima, R., Chau, D., Jagodic, R., Renambot, L., Johnson, A., Leigh, J., Design Challenges in Creating a High Resolution LCD-based Multi-touch Display,
Technical Paper
, Chicago, IL, University of Illinois, Electronic Visualization Laboratory, June 1, 2009
Kooima, R., Leigh, J., Johnson, A., Roberts, D., Subbarao, M., DeFanti, T., Planetary-Scale Terrain Composition,
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
, IEEE Computer Society Digital Library, IEEE Computer Society, April 16, 2009
Pieper, G., Leigh, J., Renambot, L., Verlo, A., Long, L., Brown, M., Sandin, D., Vishwanath, V., Kooima, R., Girado, J., Jeong, B., DeFanti, T., Liu, Q., Katz, M., Papadopoulos, P., Keefe, J., Hidley, G., Dawe, G., Kaufman, I., Glogowski, B., Doerr, K., et al, Visualizing Science: The OptIPuter Project,
SciDAC Review, Issue 12
, IOP Publishing in association with Argonne National Laboratory, Office of Science, pp. 32-41, for the US Department of Energy, April 1, 2009
Kooima, Robert L., Planetary-scale Terrain Composition,
Submitted as partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science
, Graduate College, University of Illinois at Chicago, October 23, 2008
Kooima, R., Roberts, D., SubbaRao, M., Real-time Digital Dome Rendering Techniques and Technologies,
Proceedings of IPS2008
, Chicago, IL, International Planetarium Society, June 27, 2008
Peterka, T., Kooima, R., Sandin, D., Johnson, A., Leigh, J., DeFanti, T., Advances in the Dynallax Solid-State Dynamic Parallax Barrier Autostereoscopic Visualization Display System,
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
, vol 14, no 3, ACM Portal, pp. 487-499, May 1, 2008
Tsoupikova, D., Kooima, R., Passing Excellence, The Interactive Art Visualization Of the Kizhi Ensemble,
Proceedings of the CIPA Symposium
, Athens, Greece, October 1, 2007
Leigh, J., Johnson, A., Renambot, L., DeFanti, T., Brown, M., Jeong, B., Jagodic, R., Krumbholz, C., Svistula, D., Hur, H., Kooima, R., Peterka, T., Ge, J., Falk, C., Emerging from the CAVE: Collaboration in Ultra High Resolution Environments,
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Universal Communication
, Kyoto, Japan, June 14, 2007
Girado, J. I., Peterka, T., Kooima, R. L., Ge, J., Sandin, D. J., Johnson, A. E., Leigh, J., DeFanti, T. A., Real-Time Neural Network-based Face Tracker for VR Displays,
Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2007(VR ’07)
, Charlotte, NC, March 10, 2007
Peterka, T., Kooima, R.L., Girado, J. I., Ge, J., Sandin, D.J., Johnson, A., Leigh, J., Schulze, J., DeFanti, T. A., Dynallax: Solid State Dynamic Parallax Barrier Autostereoscopic VR Display,
Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2007(VR ’07)
, Charlotte, NC, March 10, 2007
Kooima, R.L., Peterka, T., Girado, J.I., Ge, J., Sandin, D. J., DeFanti, T. A., A GPU Sub-pixel Algorithm for Autostereoscopic Virtual Reality,
Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2007(VR ’07)
, March 10, 2007
Peterka, T., Kooima, R., Girado, J., Ge, J., Sandin, D., DeFanti, T., Evolution of the Varrier™ Autostereoscopic VR Display: 2001-2007,
IS&T / SPIE Electronic Imaging 2007 Conference Proceedings
, January 28, 2007
Kostis, H., Kooima, R., Kannenberg, J., Skin: an interactive hyperstereoscopic electro installation,
IS&T / SPIE Electronic Imaging 2007 Conference Proceedings
, January 28, 2007
Leigh, J., Renambot, L., Johnson, A., Jeong, B., Jagodic, R., Schwarz, N., Svistula, D., Singh, R., Aguilera, J., Wang, X., Vishwanatha, V., Lopez Silva, B.A., Sandin, D., Peterka, T., Girado, J., Kooima, R., Gea, J., Long, L., Verlo, A., DeFanti, T., Brown, M., Cox, D., The Global Lambda Visualization Facility: An International Ultra-High-Definition Wide-Area Visualization Collaboratory,
Future Generation Computer Systems
, vol 22, no 8, Elsevier, pp. 964-971, October 1, 2006
Peterka, T., D. Sandin, D., Ge, J., Girado, J., Kooima, R., Leigh, J., Johnson, A., Thiebaux, M., DeFanti, T., Personal Varrier: Autostereoscopic Virtual Reality for Distributed Scientific Visualization,
Future Generation Computing Systems
, vol 22, no 8, pp. 976-983, October 1, 2006
Krumbholz, C., Kooima, R., Rao, A., Tangible User Interface Testing on the LambdaTable: A High Resolution Tiled LCD Tabletop,
EVL Technical Paper Publication, 20060721_krumbholz
, July 1, 2006
Krumbholz, C., Leigh, J., Johnson, A., Renambot, L., Kooima, R., Lambda Table: High Resolution Tiled Display Table for Interacting with Large Visualizations,
Workshop for Advanced Collaborative Environments (WACE) 2005
, Redmond, Washington, September 8, 2005