LEARNING IN 3DEVL’s 3D Cyber-Commons - Lance Long, EVL
URL: http://www.uic.edu/htbin/cgiwrap/bin/uicnews/articledetail.cgi?id=15876
UIC / EVL EDITOR’S NOTE: Last week the UIC Electronic Visualization Laboratory introduced a 3D version of its popular Cyber-Commons’ technology-enhanced classroom and meeting room, developed in collaboration with Planar Systems, using 3-D ultra-thin border, flat-panel displays. On November 16, 2011, UIC NEWS published the article “Learning in 3-D,” which includes recent photos of our new 3D wall. LEARNING IN 3D Paul Francuch, UIC NEWS The Cyber-Commons displays form a cinematic blackboard that Leigh describes as “democratic” in its use. Anyone in the room with a laptop or tablet device can wirelessly grab space on the Cyber-Commons wall and simultaneously display multiple images, from documents to videos. Users can call up stored images, positioning and sizing them with their fingers on a touch-sensitive display surface. They can work in real time with others around the world, using high-performance networks and EVL-developed software called SAGE - Scalable Adaptive Graphics Environment. “3-D is more than Hollywood gimmickry,” says Jason Leigh, professor of computer science and director of UIC’s Electronic Visualization Laboratory. “Humans understand information much more effectively in 3-D.” Read the entire article Email: maxine@uic.edu Date: November 16, 2011 |