The DuPage Technology Research, Education, and Commercialization Center (TRECC)
Researchers: Andrew Johnson, Jason Leigh, Luc Renambot
URL: EVL’s long term collaboration with the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) has culminated in a partnership with The DuPage Technology Research, Education, and Commercialization Center (TRECC) based in West Chicago, Illinois. Managed by NCSA, TRECC is a novel research collaboration between government, academia, and business. Its mission spans cutting-edge research, educational outreach, and technology transfer, presenting unique opportunities for cross fertilization between these activities. The EVL / TRECC collaboration has focused on the deployment of EVL’s advanced visualization systems at the TRECC facility for broad use by TRECC clients. The systems include PARIS™: Personal Augmented Reality Immersive System, GeoWall2 - a high-resolution tiled visualization display, and the Varrier Autostereoscopic display. This effort has included the development and integration of intuitive user-interfaces for manipulating and coordinating visualizations on the tiled display, and the development of a view-dependent streaming visualization for large data-sets on the Varrier. Current research focuses on the deployment of the next-generation of OptIPuter visualization software at TRECC, specifically SAGE (Scalable Adaptive Graphics Environment). SAGE is a graphics streaming architecture for supporting scientific visualization environments with potentially hundreds of megapixels of contiguous display resolution. The network-centered architecture of SAGE allows co-located users to simultaneously run various applications (such as 3D rendering, remote desktop, video streams and 2D maps) on local or remote clusters, and share them by streaming the pixels of each application over ultra-high-speed networks to a large tiled display. The next generation of SAGE software to be deployed at TRECC, will provided distributed users the ability to simultaneously visualize large-scale data collaboratively, and communicate face-to-face over high-definition video. The goal is to enable persistent collaborations between distributed sites equipped with ultra-high-resolution displays and lower resolution desktop displays. As part of this effort, EVL is working with NCSA to develop a custom SAGE-enabled version of NCSA’s 3D visualization of a real-time forecasting simulation of Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico to allow viewers both on low-end computers and mobile laptops, as well as high resolution tiled displays to seamlessly collaborate. Broadcasting of high definition offline-rendered visualizations to support collaborative work, and the integration of persistent high-definition video broadcasting to enable multi-site face-to-face communication is also part of this collaborative effort. The EVL / TRECC partnership expects to result in the routine integration of nationally distributed data stores, rendering resources, and display devices to produce large-scale visualization presentations and computational models for collaborative, distributed work. Incorporation of multi-resolution multicast visualization support as part of SAGE will enable joint conferencing between researcher at facilities such as TRECC with high-end visualization systems capabilities and colleagues viewing the same information at lower resolution or extent connected via their desktop systems. Email: Date: March 1, 2000 - October 31, 2008 |