RTK: The Rails Toolkit
Researchers: Jason Leigh, Luc Renambot, Sungwon Nam, Venkatram Vishwanath
URL: http://www.evl.uic.edu/cavern/rtk/RTK/RTK.html Funding: NTT Research Labs, Sharp Laboratories of America RTK is an open source API that enables applications to co-schedule CPU cores, GPUs, Memory and Network resources within multi- and many- core computer systems. We define a “Rail” as the co-scheduling of two or more of these resources. Using RTK, applications will be able to create one or more rails over which their data-intensive computation and data retrieval can be accelerated without interference from other rails or applications - hence dramatically increasing performance. RTK can be used to improve the performance of high performance computing applications, high-speed data delivery applications, as well as high-resolution graphics and video streaming. Email: venkatram.vishwanath@gmail.com Date: January 1, 2007 - Ongoing |