Using Augmented Reality to Assist Seated Office Workers’ Data Entry Tasks

Authors: Jeong, H., Singh, A., Kim, M., Johnson, A.

Publication: 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), Atlanta, GA


The data entry task is one of the common office tasks performed in the seated position that can be assisted by augmented reality technology. The paper introduces an ongoing project to develop an AR-based data presentation interface to assist office workers’ data entry tasks. The interface developed in this project was designed to facilitate the transition between the two steps including reading data and typing the data into a computer system using a keyboard. Usability evaluation is conducted in a controlled experiment with human subjects to examine whether the AR-based data presentation interface improves data entry performance and mitigates office workers’ physical and mental workload.

Keywords: Office work, augmented reality, data entry, human factors.

Index Terms: Human-centered concepts [Human computer interaction (HCI)]: Interaction paradigms-Virtual reality; Human-centered concepts [Human computer interaction (HCI)]: Visualization-Empirical studies in visualization

Date: March 22, 2020 - March 26, 2020

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Interface development process.

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