EVL Joins Chameleon
Participants: Lance Long, Luc Renambot
URL: https://chameleoncloud.org EVL at the University of Illinois Chicago has joined Chameleon! Chameleon is a large-scale, deeply reconfigurable experimental platform built to support Computer Sciences systems research. Publicly available since 2015, Chameleon supports projects ranging from systems research developing new operating systems, virtualization methods, performance variability studies, and power management research to projects in software-defined networking, artificial intelligence, and resource management. Chameleon supports a bare metal reconfiguration system giving users full control of the software stack including root privileges, kernel customization, and console access. Chameleon adapted OpenStack, a mainstream open source cloud technology, to provide its capabilities. The EVL site brings back 8 Haswell nodes retired from Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) with 13 more nodes coming online next month, for a total of 21. The EVL site can be accessed with an existing Chameleon Account, Projects, and Allocations, either by going directly to https://chi.evl.uic.edu/, the experiment dropdown on https://chameleoncloud.org, or the dropdown on horizon for any other sites. Each node is equipped with 24 cores (48 threads), 128 GB of RAM, 2x 1G network connections, and a 250GB hard drive. Hardware details and availability can be reviewed on the hardware discovery page. https://github.com/ChameleonCloud/chi-in-a-box Email: llong4@uic.edu Date: February 24, 2022 - Ongoing |