Electronic Visualization Exhibit

Participants: Chip Collier, Daria Tsoupikova, Drew Browning, Franz Fischnaller, Helen-Nicole Kostis, HyeYun Park, Josephine Lipuma, Julieta Aguilera, Kapil Arora, Poliana Tassini, Romeu Bessa, Sangyoon Lee, Tina Shah, Gabriele, Nicola

URL: http://www.evl.uic.edu/evshow

Center for VR in the Arts

The Center for VR in the Arts presents innovative works in virtual reality, video, animation, and digital sculpture done by the Electronic Visualization students of the University of Illinois at Chicago.

The show will take place on May 7, 6:00 - 10:00pm.

Center for VR in the Arts
UIC Art & Architecture Building, 3rd Floor
845 W. Harrison St.

Email: franz@evl.uic.edu

Date: May 7, 2004
EV Work - Tina Shah, EVL

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