Vishwanath, V., Renambot, L., Leigh, J., Lee, D., Nayak, A., Schwarz, N., Long, L., Verlo, A., Singh, R., Dijkstra, F.
Interactive Remote Visualization of Large High-Resolution Time-Varying Geophysical and Biological Datasets In Proceedings of the ACM / IEEE SC|05: The International Conference on High-Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis, Seattle, WA November 16, 2005 |
Nayak, A., Vernon, F., Kent, G., Orcutt, J., Kilb, D., Newman, R., Smarr, L., DeFanti, T., Leigh, J., Renambot, L., Johnson, A.
High resolution visualization of USArray data on a 50 megapixel display using OptIPuter technologies Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract SF13A-0702, San Francisco, California December 13, 2004 |
Schwarz, N., Venkataraman, S., Renambot, L., Krishnaprasad, N., Vishwanath, V., Leigh, J., Johnson, A., Kent, G., Nayak, A.
Vol-a-Tile - a Tool for Interactive Exploration of Large Volumetric Data on Scalable Tiled Displays Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2004, Austin, Texas October 10, 2004 |
Leigh, J., Johnson, A., Renambot, L., Nayak, A., Lindquist, K., Kilb, D., Newman, R., Vernon, F.
Using 3D Glyph Visualization to Explore Real-time Seismic Data on Immersive and High-resolution Display Systems Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract xxxxx-xx, 2003 December 7, 2003 |
Leigh, J., Renambot, L., DeFanti, T., Brown, M., He, E, Krishnaprasad, N., Meerasa, J., Nayak, A., Park, K., Singh, R., Venkataraman, S., Zhang, C., Livingston, D., McLaughlin, M.
An Experimental OptIPuter Architecture for Data-Intensive Collaborative Visualization 3rd Workshop on Advanced Collaborative Environments (in conjunction with the High Performance Distributed Computing Conference), Seattle, WA June 22, 2003 |
Nayak, A., Leigh, J., Johnson, A., Russo, R., Morin, P., Laughbon, C., Ahern T.
WiggleView : Visualizing Large Seismic Datasets American Geophysical Union, Eos Trans. AGU, 83(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract U61A-0007, San Francisco, California December 6, 2002 |
Leigh, J., Johnson, A., Park, K., Nayak, A., Singh, R., Chowdhry, V., DeFanti, T.
Amplified Collaboration Environments VizGrid Symposium, Tokyo, Japan November 1, 2002 |
Kirkby, K., Morin, P., Finley, F., Brandt, J., Burdick, R., Nayak, A.
Benefits And Implications Of Using Stereo Projection In Earth Science Classrooms The Geological Society Of America, 2002 Denver Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, pp. Paper #43077 October 27, 2002 |
Thorson, M., Leigh, J., Maajid,G., Park, K., Nayak, A., Salva, P., Berry, S.
AccessGrid-to-Go : Providing AccessGrid access on Personal Digital Assistants Access Grid Retreat 2002 Proceedings, La Jolla, CA March 4, 2002 |
Leigh, J., Yu, O., Schonfeld, D., Ansari, R., He, E., Nayak, A., Krishnaprasad, N., Park, K., Cho, Y., Hu, L., Fang, R., Verlo, A., Winkler, L., DeFanti, T.
Adaptive Networking for Tele-Immersion Proceedings of the Immersive Projection Technology / Eurographics Virtual Environments Workshop (IPT / EGVE), Stuttgart, Germany May 16, 2001 |