The OptIPuter
Alan Verlo, Jason Leigh, Luc Renambot, Maxine Brown, Thomas A. DeFanti, Tom Moher, Larry Smarr (CalIT2), Bob Grossman (NCDM / UIC) October 1, 2002 - September 30, 2007 related url: The OptIPuter is a five-year, $13.9 million National Science Foundation funded project to interconnect… Read more |
Andrew Johnson, Byungil Jeong, Jason Leigh, Rajvikram Singh January 1, 2002 - January 1, 2006 TERAVISION is a hardware-assisted, network-enabled “PowerPoint” projector for the Access Grid, enabling anyone to plug a laptop… Read more |
GeoWall 2
Andrew Johnson, Greg Dawe, Jason Leigh, Luc Renambot, Shalini Venkataraman, Thomas A. DeFanti January 1, 2002 - September 30, 2007 The first generation of the GeoWall was targeted at providing affordable 3D stereoscopic visualization of small- to modest-sized Geoscience datasets… Read more |
Allan Spale, Andrew Johnson, Atul Nayak, Chris Scharver, Jason Leigh, Vikas Chowdry August 1, 2001 - July 30, 2002 Immersaview is an Open Inventor / VRML model viewer for the GeoWall / AGAVE. The data can be a single Inventor model or a flipbook of models that you… Read more |
Andrew Johnson, Daniel J. Sandin, Eric He, Greg Dawe, Jason Leigh, Jinghua Ge, Jonas Talandis, Luc Renambot, Shalini Venkataraman, Thomas A. DeFanti March 1, 2001 - August 1, 2005 The GeoWall, based on AGAVE technology, is low-cost, non-tracked, passive-stereo system that allows distributed audiences to view and interact with… Read more |
The Continuum Project
Andrew Johnson, Chris Rosenthal, Chris Scharver, Eric He, Gideon Goldman, Jason Leigh, Jonas Talandis, Kyoung Shin Park, Michael Lewis, Naveen Krishnaprasad, Shalini Venkataraman, Atul Nayak, Jinghua Ge, Brenda Silva, Joshua Eliason, Tomoko Imai, Abhinav Kapoor, Nikita Sawant, Ben Goldstein January 1, 2000 - January 1, 2003 The goal of the Continuum Project is to develop integrated ubiquitous tools and environments and to study how these tools can be used to enhance… Read more |
Access Grid
Allan Spale, Chris Rosenthal, Dana M. Plepys, Jonas Talandis, Vikas Chowdry, Gideon Goldman January 1, 2000 - August 31, 2003 EVL is using the Access Grid (AG) project developed by Argonne National Laboratories (ANL) as the communications backbone for high-bandwidth… Read more |