Dimension Land
Researchers: Andrew Johnson, Craig Barnes, Dave Pape, Jason Leigh, Jim Costigan, Milana Huang, Jim Danowski
URL: http://www.evl.uic.edu/costigan/ORAL In Dimension Land a remotely located instructor uses a shared virtual environment and the three dimensions of VR to teach about hypercubes and 4D math. As a 3D box can be projected into 2D space, so a hyper-cube, the 4D cube, can be projected into 3D space. The students can experiment with this 3D projection. This application is part of an experiment that compares learning in a remote environment with a teacher who is:
Dimension World was built to evaluate how people communicate in virtual environments as part of Costigan’s Masters Thesis in the Department of Communications. Email: jim@costigan.com Date: September 1, 1996 - May 1, 1997 |